Novel Ponder 10

Hello everyone

I thought the book was great and I think that the year four would maybe like the book. My favourite part was when Ivan and ruby went to the zoo. I like Ivan the best because he was kind and nice to ruby. Have you seen the one and only Ivan Movie before? Blog you later.

Novel Ponder 9

Hello everyone

I think that Ivan is nervous because he has not been around a gorilla for a long time. The last time he was around a gorilla was when he was a baby. I think that the gorillas think that Ivan is a bit weird because he likes to eat human food. Why do you think that Ivan is a bit nervous? Blog you later.

Kelly Sports T4

Hello everyone

On Tuesday I did this thing and people came to my school. What they did was they showed us games and we played them. The game’s names were Ship Wreck, Shark Attack, Circle Pass, Inchworm and this team work game. They were all really fun but it was hard because it was really hot. The game I liked the most was the Circle pass one and that one was the first one I did. Have you played any of those games before? Blog you later.

Treasure Hunt

Hello everyone

Today I did this thing and it was for the Summer Learning Journey. It was hard because I could not find a rock it took me almost all the time I had to find a rock.  It was fun because it was a bit like a Treasure Hunt.  What we had to do was we had to watch this video and then we had to find things that were on the list. After that you had to take a photo of all your things. Then you had to say what things were in the photo. Then you had to post it to your blog then you were done. For the weight I used a rock .Have you done something like this before? Blog you later.

Unleash Your Inner Artist

Hello everyone

Today I did this thing and it was for the holidays. It was really fun and we got to choose what we wanted to do. There were four things that you could choose and there were two that I wanted to do. But I could only do one so I did the one that said Unleash your inner artist. For the one I picked you had to choose a photo. There were a few more things but you had to do a lot of things. Do you like my art? Blog you later.

Novel Ponder 8

Hello everyone

I think that it is possible for animals and humans to understand each other but just with some things.  I think Julia understood what Ivan was painting first because she is an artist too. Why do you think that she understood the paintings before her dad did? Blog you later.

Would You Rather…? Ponder 8

Hello everyone

I would be the worst player because it does not say that you are really bad. You could be good just not the best in your team. One more thing is that it would be better than you just being the best and always losing because your team is not good. Would you rather be the worst in your team or the best in your team? Blog you later.

The One And Only Ivan

Hello everyone

This week I finished my reading slide. It was fun and a bit hard. It was fun because you had to make a picture of Ivan’s home so I made it of the Jungle. It was hard because you had to read a lot because you had to find out things about silverback gorillas,  you had to find out things about Ivan too. Have you seen the book of The One And Only Ivan? Blog you later.

Evaluating Media

Hello everyone

Last week I finished this slide and it was fun because we got to watch some videos. There was this funny one and it was a baby one. Maybe it was a baby one because it was a bit what a baby would watch. But that is just what I think.  You can think that it is not for babies. You know I don’t think that it’s for babies. Do you like my slides? Blog you later.